Matthew Flinders Anglican College: Bespoke Artwork

In 2022 and 2023, Gilimbaa was engaged by Matthew Flinders Anglican College to create a bespoke artwork, ‘Surrounded By Our Past, United By Our Future’, as part of its Reconciliation Action Plan.

The artwork was created by Old Flinderian David Williams to help strengthen relationships between First Nations communities and the college.

Artwork story:

This artwork tells the story of Matthew Flinders Anglican College’s reconciliation journey. It is a story deeply connected to place; originating on Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi Country on which the school stands and flowing from the traditions and stories that have existed here for countless generations.

In this unique environment, the college’s reconciliation story is shaped. Willingness to embrace the histories and learnings of First Nations peoples and cultures is vital. A commitment to bringing people together is at the heart. Just like First Nations cultures, communities, and systems, the artwork is rich with diversities and complexities. But when the layers are explored, we can connect, learn, understand, and embrace what is found.

Through the centre of the artwork is the journey line. On this journey the college must be ready to connect to and embrace First Nations cultures. By telling and shaping its reconciliation story, it will gain the knowledge and confidence to learn about and confront sometimes uncomfortable truths.

It must remain open to listening and learning as this story unfolds. To explore where it has been in the past, where it is in the present, and where it wants to go in the future. All First Nations students have an important place in this story. Everyone must feel welcome and safe. By actively respecting, acknowledging, and recognising First Nations people and communities, Matthew Flinders Anglican College is united on a path towards a more reconciled Australia.

For more information about reconciliation at Matthew Flinders Anglican College, visit its website.

Gilimbaa Matthew Flinders artwork full